Product updates

Our plans for 2023 πŸš€

It’s crazy to think – we launched Member Kitchens just 18 months ago and together with our customers we are now helping more than 10,000 people eat better, every month.

That’s pretty awesome, right?

But let’s not stop there.

We have big plans for 2023 – and that means helping you grow your biz – because when you do well, we do well, and so do the people receiving your diet and lifestyle advice.

So, here's what we’re planning (in no particular order)...

New languages 🌍 – literally billions of people speak in languages other than English. Soon, you’ll be able to launch an app in another language and reach them.

Mobile app v2.0 πŸ“² – we launched our mobile app (iOS, Android) product last year. This year, we’ll help you supercharge conversions ($$$), ratings, and more.

More integrations πŸ”— – and more automations, like being able to automatically add your new app subscribers to your email newsletter (via Zapier).

Meal plan templates πŸ“ – even more options, like a day-by-day planner.

Learning content β€πŸŽ“ – do you also pay for a course or membership tool like Kajabi or Thinkific, but only use a fraction of their features? We plan to solve that.

Analytics πŸ“Š – get access to data to help improve your app and grow your business.

Self-service 🧰 – it’s going to be easier to customize your mobile app from your admin dashboard, meaning less time in Apple and Google developer accounts.

Customization options 🎨 – there are too many to list here but the idea is, you’ll have even more ways to make your app uniquely yours.

Flexible pricing πŸ’° – we want to create the best product we can and we also want to help you grow. We feel this that moving to usage-based pricing will achieve that.

And much more!

Did you hope to see something else in the list?

Or do you want to upvote something?

Then get in touch and let us know – because what we do is driven by you (our customers).

Wishing you a fab 2023 πŸ™Œ
