Pricing that helps you grow
Tiered user pricing (below)
Custom branding
Custom domain
Customizable layouts
Web payments (Stripe)
Free trials
Sales page builder
Zapier integration
WordPress sign-in
Manually add recipes
Import recipes from website
Bulk import recipes from WPRM
Access to knowledge base
Basic analytics
Amazing email support
5 video uploads included
30-day money back guarantee
Everything from Discover
Member created meal plans
Member modify meal plans
Member ingredient swaps
Scheduled publishing
Marketing analytics
Freemium options
50 video uploads included

Frequently asked questions
Do you offer a free trial?
Yes, you can try Member Kitchens free for 14-days.
Do you have volume discounts?

What happens if I want to cancel?
There's no minimum contract for Member Kitchens – you can cancel at any time. We also offer a 30-day money back guarantee for new customers.
Are there any additional fees?
Our pricing is made up of a base subscription fee, plus a fee per active user, and should you go over your free allotment of videos, we charge a per video fee.
Who owns the content I upload?
You do. You retain full ownership of the rights to your content.
Do you also provide the recipes?
Not at the moment. Instead, we make it easy to add or import your own recipes.
I have an existing membership website or plugin. Can I still use it?
Yes. Our Zapier integration allows you to connect to thousands of third-party apps and automatically give your users access to your Member Kitchen.
Do I need to submit anything to the app store?
Our PWA mobile app does not require any involvement with app stores.
Do you support US or metric units?
Both. Users can select their preference in their app, which automatically converts the values that are displayed on their recipe pages and shopping lists.
What if I have more questions?
We'd be happy to answer them. Contact us here.