Product update: Combine shopping list ingredients 📝
A short but highly requested product update...
Combine shopping list ingredients 📝
Ingredients with identical names and comparable units of measure will now be combined on your shopping list. For example:
If you have "1 tbsp olive oil" and "1/4 cup olive oil" then it will now become "1/3 cup olive oil".
Likewise, if you have "1 piece avocado" and "1 piece avocado", then it will become "2 piece avocado".
But if you have "1 piece avocado" and "1/2 cup avocado", then it will not be combined (as there is no standard conversion for piece and cup).
Learn more on our support site.

Meal plan sort order ⬇️
We've adjusted the sort order of meal plans in your members' apps to be by publication date, rather than modified date.
This is important if you want your meal plans to always appear in a specific order to your members, regardless of what edits they make.
If this doesn't mean anything to you - it's fine. Just ignore 😅