Product updates

Product updates: Select US or metric units, Recipe tags

Another sizeable product update this month including the ability to choose between US and Metric units, recipe tags, and more.

Choose US or Metric units

Users can now select whether to display quantities in US imperial (lb, fl oz) or Metric (gram, liter). This will automatically convert any units on their recipe pages and shopping lists. To do this, go to your Profile, select your preference and save. Default is US imperial.)

Recipe tags support multiple words with spaces

As requested, you can now use spaces in your recipe tags. So, for example, gluten free can now be entered as “glutenfree" or "gluten free", depending on which you prefer. To save a new recipe tag, press return or tab on your keyboard.

What we do is determined by you

As a start-up, your feedback is really important to us. Get in touch if there are any changes that you or your users really want to see.